
1. Conceptualizing the Past
Where did we come from? We shall explore traditional Islamic theological approaches for dealing with pluralism, bringing these approaches into conversation with contemporary perspectives from both the scientific and humanistic disciplines.
(Carl Jones/"Genesis")
1.1 Creation Stories
Why would the Abrahamic story of creation be true while the others are not? Is the story literal or allegorical? In this section, we begin by reading creation myths from around the world, comparing these myths to the Abrahamic story of creation as well as to the new story of the universe being told by science. (Tanti Ruwani/”Wishing a Prayer”)
Read More ⟶1.2 How Do We Know?
How has the Muslim tradition understood the place that independent reasoning occupies in the pursuit of theology? This section introduces students to the rational foundations of Islamic theology, which has also been called philosophical or dialectical theology. (Mark Fischer/“Mosque Book”)
Read More ⟶1.3 Philosophies of History
What are some of the contemporary approaches to the study of history? What is the relationship of history to epistemology and hermeneutics? This section explores the connection between history and philosophy focusing on the differences between the study of history today versus how it was pursued in the past. (Scott Koch/Fez Gate)
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2. Contextualizing the Theological Tradition
How does history relate to philosophy within the Islamic tradition? In this module students will track Islamic history to understand civilizational influences, review a series of intellectual contestations, and understand how tradition can be seen as a rope woven together with disparate strands. (Maja Ruszpel/“Mosque”)
Read More ⟶2.1 Geographies and Horizons
How ought we place the history of Islam within the context of world history? In this section we will discuss the rise of Islam in the post-Axial age and the importance of local context in the generation of values and beliefs. (Ah Wei/“Enjoy the Sunshine”)
Read More ⟶2.2 Civilizational Encounters
To what extent were foreign influences influential in the shaping of classic Islamic thought? In this section, we look into how Greek thought affected islamic philosophy and science and how Persian culture affected islamic political thought. (Lazhar Neftien/“Old Jerusalem”)
Read More ⟶2.3 Intellectual Contestations
Is the Islamic tradition more than a mere set of orthodox doctrines transmitted from generation? In this section, students will read debates between logicians and compare positions on the question of eternity of the world with theologians. (UNAMID/“Eid ul-Fitr...")
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3. Scientific and Theological Worldviews
To provide people with practical and relevant guidance while at the same time staying true to its foundational principles, Islam allows the wisdom and moral strength of religion to be applied in modern times. (Lυвαιв/“A Mother's Love”)
Read More ⟶3.1 Introduction
Is the method of science rational, universal, and unchangeable? We begin our investigation of these questions with some essential concepts in the philosophy of science. (St. Blaize/"Mural")
Read More ⟶3.2 The Philosophy of Science
The main questions in the philosophy of science deal with the nature of knowledge and truth, the idea of progress, the scientific method, the laws of scientific change, and... (Eric Drexler/"Standard Model")
Read More ⟶3.3 The History of Science
The main questions in the history of science deal with the specific scientific theories, discoveries, and experiments at particular moments in history... (Wikimedia/"Pierre and Marie Curie")
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4. The Grand Cosmos and the Human Person
What kind of theology is possible in a natural universe defined by Einstein’s theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and biological evolution? (
Mark Basarab/"Star Night Sky Ravine")
4.1 Creation of the Heavens
In the Islamic tradition, creation is described as a moment of creation from nothing. What does contemporary science theorize? (NASA/"Pacman Nebula")
Read More ⟶4.2 Evolution of Life
How life originated is one of the biggest mysteries of science. (Pedro Szekely/"Jellyfish")
Read More ⟶4.3 The Modern State and Human Rights
Modernity is characterized by the nation state and sharply demarcated communal identities, creating the concern: what to do about "minorities"? What answers does the Islamic tradition suggest? (CIA/"Myanmar")
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