4.4.1 The History of Feminism
How did Western feminism emerge, and what inequities did it seek to remedy? (Ikonta Bloke/"Deeds not Words")
How did Western feminism emerge, and what inequities did it seek to remedy? (Ikonta Bloke/"Deeds not Words")
What does it mean for Islam if only a male elite can achieve ethical refinement, at the expense of non male elites? (The Met/"Tumanba Khan, His Wife, and His Nine Sons")
'Islamic law' could effectively be described as a vibrant tradition of translating norms into lived societies. (Nasir al-Din Tusi/"Distributing Riches")
What myths frame the dominant contemporary understanding of shari'a? (Nasir al-Din Tusi/"Market Square")
Did math or theological principles determine the orientation of early mosques? (Michał Huniewicz/"Chinguetti Library")
As states argue over who should pay to limit global warming, local communities are already adapting to disruptive change. (University College London/"Stilt Houses")
The economic grievances related to climate change run deep, but Muslim-majority countries are very worried too. (Our World in Data/"C02 Emissions")
Climate change is causing irreparable harm to creation. What do we know about it? (USFS/"Polar bear cubs")
Who should be responsible for the cost to address climate change? (D.O.Hill/"St. Rollox Chemical")
If humans are God's vicegerent on earth, are we humans breaking our covenant with the Divine through our current treatment of nature? (Oliver.Dodd/"Kelp Forest")