4.4.9 The Interpretive Legacy of Qiwamah
Classical and contemporary exegetes have turned a limited instruction into a justification of pervasive male authority over women. (Jaguar MENA/"World Driving Day")
Classical and contemporary exegetes have turned a limited instruction into a justification of pervasive male authority over women. (Jaguar MENA/"World Driving Day")
Gender equality means laws that permit women to enjoy dignity, security and respect in the family and full participation in society. (UN Women/"Musawah")
When embodied experiences of injustice come up against religious texts that produce gendered injustice, it may be necessary to move "beyond" the text. (Stefanie Eisenschenk/"Isfahan Women's Mosque")
Since God is just and all-knowing, how should we confront "the possibility that the Qur'an may not be reconcilable with contemporary values of male-female equality"? (Michał Huniewicz/"Library")
How can feminist pedagogy shift or expand the way we understand religious texts? (Jim Boud/”Colorful Family”)
Colonial feminism has helped justify military ventures that have killed hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children throughout the Middle East. (US Army/"Grape Drying House")
Overlapping systems of gender and racial oppression delayed Black women's vote in the US for over 45 years. (Sylvia Duckworth/ "Intersectionality")
Embodied and collaborative knowledge and critical attention to power structures are integral to feminist pedagogy. (Anne Rayner/"Conversation on Teaching")
How did Western feminism emerge, and what inequities did it seek to remedy? (Ikonta Bloke/"Deeds not Words")